• Vektor Munkavédelmi Kft.

About Us

Overall protection and the preservation of human health amongst various working conditions

Company History

Vektor Munkavédelmi Műszaki Fejlesztő és Gyártó Kft. (Vektor Work Protection Technical Development and Manufacturing Limited Liability Company) was founded in 1987. In the quarter of a century having elapsed since its foundation, things have mostly changed, but not our Company's philosophy: overall protection and the preservation of human health amongst various working conditions.


Our objective is to manufacture and distribute appropriate, safe and modern personal protective equipment that safeguards from top to toe. The protective equipment distributed and manufactured by our company does not solely guarantee safe work,


but satisfy demands for comfort and aesthetics at the highest standards. In addition to excellent quality, we consider it to be important that our products should feature enhanced protecting capabilities, and to this end we market the products of the best global companies.


  • 1987 – foundation of VEKTOR Munkavédelmi Kft.
  • 1992 – opening of the sewing workshop in Szeged
  • 1996 – introduction of ISO 9001 quality assurance system
  • 2001 – introduction of NATO AQAP quality assurance system
  • 2008 – affiliation to the international Cerva group as a subsidiary
  • 2009 – opening of a technologically advanced, new clothes-making workshop in Szeged, with the use of European Union grants
  • 2010 – relocation of the Budapest headquarters, where the partners are also served from a 1500 sq m warehouse
  • 2012 – 25th anniversary of the foundation of VEKTOR Munkavédelmi Kft.


Éva Csibi
Éva Csibi executive director
Krisztina Kálnay
Krisztina Kálnay financial manager
Gergő Adorján
Gergő Adorján purchasing and logistics manager
Andrea Antal
Andrea Antal plant manager

VEKTOR Munkavédelmi Kft. is able to develop specific protective and working clothes for you, for the various work processes.

Contact our salespersons for the assessment of special demands!

About Us

Vektor Munkavédelmi Műszaki Fejlesztő és Gyártó Kft. (Vektor Work Protection Technical Development and Manufacturing Limited Liability Company) was founded in 1987. In the quarter of a century having elapsed since its foundation, things have mostly changed, but not our Company's philosophy: overall protection and the preservation of human health amongst various working conditions.



1222 Budapest,
Nagytétényi út 112.


Opening hours

Shop: Mon-Fri.: 7:30 – 15:00

Warehouse: Mon-Fri.: 7:30 – 15:00

Office: Mon-Fri.: 9:00 – 15:00

© 2017. VEKTOR Munkavédelmi Kft. - All rights reserved.